With a single line of code, you can read the data returned by the sensor in your preferred measurement unit.
Arduino – HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor – From this tutorial, you will learn how to use the “Ultrasonic.h” library to read the data returned by the sensor.This tutorial will teach you how to connect the sensor to Arduino and read the data returned by the sensor. Detection range for HC-SR04 with Arduino and millis() – This is an introductory tutorial that requires an HC-SR04 sensor and an Arduino board.It is by far the most used ultrasonic sensor in robotics and automation projects. The HC-SR04 is an inexpensive sensor that is very easy to use with a microcontroller board such as Arduino or a single-board computer that runs Linux like the Raspberry Pi. We can improve the accuracy of sensing by compensating the environment’s temperature and filtering the sensor’s output.

The sensing accuracy of an ultrasonic sensor may be affected by soft materials, the temperature of the environment, and the noise of a wide frequency range. We go further to understand the limitations of a sensor that uses sound waves to detect objects. We saw the advantages of an ultrasonic sensor. In robotics, the ultrasonic sensors are used in applications such as: Also, an ultrasonic sensor can be used in a dark environment since the light does not affect an ultrasonic sensor’s detection ability. We use ultrasonic sensors in robotics when we want to detect obstacles in extreme conditions since the sensor is not affected by dust, moisture, and dirt. This page is still a work in progress and subjected to change in the future! This page was last edited on