I've also added the layer's legend (using service=WMS&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&VERSION=1.3.0). I've added a GetFeatureInfo request on mouse click to show how these requests can be forwarded to QGIS Server. This is a small example of a mapproxy.yaml configuration file, with a custom grid. If you use the usual GLOBAL_MERCATOR grid, it is much simpler (on the MapProxy side and on the OpenLayers side). This one is one of the most complicated examples, because it uses a custom grid and a CRS other than EPSG:3857. There are very nice small examples in the MapProxy documentation. MapProxy will use the updated styles from QGIS Server.
Since QGIS Server can store projects on Postgis, you can easily update the project without any uploads.You can ask for more than one tile in parallel and take advantage of QGIS Server parallel render support (if enable).It can handle custom defined grids (as long as you use the same in OpenLayers).You can call GetLegendGraphic requests against the cached source.You can call GetFeatureInfo requests against the cached source.

As soon as you install it, you will get a demo page, with OpenLayers examples.